Curiosità su Bufera mortale - Film (1940)

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    Giùan, Daniela, Gottardi
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  • Daniela • 24/06/18 00:20
    Gran Burattinaio - 5928 interventi
    Il film, a causa del contenuto, venne messo al bando nella Germania nazista e il divieto venne esteso a tutte le altre pellicole di produzione MGM.

    Fonte: Wikipedia

    Sulla voce in lingua inglese si precisa che la produzione MGM decise per precauzione di non utilizzare il termine "ebreo" ma ciò non servì a evitare il bando:

    Freya and her father are implied to be Jews but the word "Jew" is never used, and they are only identified as "non-Aryans"; in addition, Freya's half brothers are all members of the Nazi Party. Though it is understood that the film is set in Germany, the name of the country is rarely mentioned except at the very beginning in a short text of introduction. MGM purposely did not mention the name of the country or the religion of Freya's family because of the large German market for its films, but it was to no avail—the movie infuriated the Nazi government and it led to all MGM films being banned in Germany.

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